I was somewhat surprised to see the single hit that came in from a link on metsfanbook.com. The Mets Fan book site was the web site for the late, great Dana Brand's first book. Dana, who tragically passed away in 2011, was a truly great guy. Smart, friendly, generous, truly one of the good guys. Getting to know him as a fellow blogger friend was one of the great perks of all that time I spent in the heyday of my blog.
Dana's blog site isn't up any more, but it awesome to see that the site for both of his books is still up there. Both books are still for sale in some form last time I checked and are well worth your read even today.

Becoming blogging friends with folks like these, along with Greg Prince from Faith and Fear in Flushing, Joe Janish from Mets Today, Matt Cerrone from Mets Blog, Anthony DeRosa from Hotfoot, and many others was a treat. Indeed, it was one of the best parts of blogging. I'm sure as I go forward I will write some more about these experiences. I had a really good interview of Joe Janish on my old blog that I need to resurrect and post here.
Thanks for stopping by and putting up with my reminiscing. I'll be back tomorrow. And while I don't normally do this, if you haven't checked out yesterday's post And My Rose Goes To... I've been working hard to shake off the rust of a decade not writing, and that one feels as close to my best work as I've managed so far.

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